Doing Their Bit
Life on the Home Front
Home Front History
We now have our own Facebook group:
WW2 Life on the Home Front
This group is dedicated to all things that happened in Britain during WW2 1939-45. The group is for people interested in this time, historians, collectors, re-enactors and people just into the 1940s. To share photos, stories, collections, interesting information about this wonderful time in history.
To join the group click on the link WW2 Life on the Home Front | Facebook
Our displays vary from large static displays showing hundred of original memorabilia to small roving displays depicting aspects of WW2 Home Front.
We give fun, interesting and informative talks to adult groups, schools and children’s groups about life on the Home Front during WW2.
We attend many WW2 events throughout the year and even organise a few.
We have included a few wartime recipes if you would like to try them.
A Week on Rations
by Karen Wiles
Do you think you could survive on 1940s rations? During WW2 the country made rationing an art form, stretching their meagre rations and digging for victory.
In this book we explain why and how our country was thrown into food rationing and how they coped. We also look at our week living on rations, how we faired, our feelings and what we did.
Available from Amazon for £6.50