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Wallingford Back to the Forties Re-enactors

I hope that you will be joining us at Wallingford at War 2023, here are some notes which may help you fill in the registration form:

We are limiting the number of registered re-enactors for 2023. Registered re-enactors are invited to attend and have filled in the registration form. Benefits of registering: you do not have to pay to get in, get free train rides and use of the Green Room (free teas, coffees and cake).

If any of your details change after filling in the new registration form please notify me as soon as possible. We will need further information from you in the future, but filling in the registration form will secure your place at the event.

We will be extensively advertising this event.

By registering for the event, you are agreeing to come for both days and stay for the duration each day (10.00-5.00 on Saturday and 10.00-4.00 on Sunday).


If you pay to get into the railway you are covered by their insurance, however if you don’t pay to get in it is a legal requirement of the railway that you have Public Liability Insurance, regardless of whether you are a single promenading re-enactor or a group. This can take the form of an insurance policy or a membership to a body such as AFRA (please provide membership numbers as proof of membership). If you do not have insurance you can join the railway for £1 per person per day, which will be arranged closer to the event. If you are unwilling to provide these details, you will still be welcome to attend but will have to pay to get in and lose the benefits of being a registered re-enactor.

Number of re-enactors in your group/party

We understand that it may be difficult to pin people down to the exact numbers in your group/party, but it will help us enormously to have an approximate number. In such a small site numbers will be limited, but we want to fit as many different displays in as possible. Each person registered must be dressed appropriately in 1940s gear. About a month before the event I will ask for the names of each person in your group/party.

Space requirement:

There is very little space on grass, therefore most displays will be on hard standing. We will be offering a small number of pre-erected gazebos for small displays, please let us know if you would like one of these. Of course, we will try to accommodate everyone’s needs, but it may not be possible if, for example, you want to dig trenches or bring in a tank!

Any questions, comments or suggestions

Bret and I will always be on hand to answer any questions, welcome suggestions or smooth out problems so please don’t hesitate to contact us:

Tel: 07507 940996


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